Has Beyond Burials had any sucsessful missions?

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What is Beyond Burials?

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What is a space burial, and how does it work?

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Is it possible to attend the launch in person?

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Can I watch the memorial launch online?

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How does the Beyond Burials process work?

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I want to be sure that my wishes are carried out. Can I plan my service in advance?

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Can I include anything with my capsule?

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When are the next launches?

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Does the Beyond Burial process create orbital pollution?

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When will my launch video be available?

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You can send cremated ashes to space?

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Can I track the Beyond Burials Earth-orbiting spacecraft?

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What is the process once i pay my deposit?

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What is the cost of a space memorial?

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For the Earth Orbit Service, how long will the cremated remains stay in the Earth’s orbit?

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Is a space burial environmentally friendly?

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What are the benifits of having a space memorial?

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Why launch only a symbolic portion of cremated remains?

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Space launches are challenging. What if the mission does not succeed?

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How are the cremated remains actually launched?

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How do you ship the kits?

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Is Beyond Burials available worldwide?

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How can I place an order?

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How much does a space burial cost?

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How do I know when the launch will happen?

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