I've always been a lover and a liberator, and I genuinely believe I was born to create new opportunities. After having successfully built and sold a franchise system, complete with distribution facilities in multiple locations, and in several states, I was looking to the stars for what to do next.
Having always been fascinated by space, I found myself paying close attention to space agencies and rocket companies. I would fall asleep almost every night watching some space documentary. When a very close relative passed away, my family followed my uncle's wishes and had his body cremated. This left us with the important question faced with a cremation: what do you do with the remains?

Whatever our decision, I wanted to do something special for my uncle as my uncle was a big part of my life. After conducting extensive market research on funerals and cremations, I discovered that the number of cremations bypassed the more traditional ground burial funeral service in 2015.
In fact: According to statistics from the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), more than half of all Americans who die this year will be cremated. In 20 years, the association predicts, nearly 80% of us will opt to have our bodies turned into ash. And with that — people are getting creative with what to do with those remains.
Curious as to what has happened to transform centuries of ground burial traditions, I discovered that "funeral cost is a driving factor."

I wanted to create an affordable space memorial that helps family members celebrate their loved ones in a unique, meaningful, and inspiring way. And it was with the utmost excitement to have my uncle become Beyond Burials first client.
The fact that we all came from starlight and can now return to the stars after we pass is a genuinely awe-inspiring feeling. No matter what accomplishments or failures I have in my lifetime, no matter what happens to me during my life, I have a very comforting feeling, knowing when I pass away, I get to go to space. Nothing can take that away from me.