Shooting Star Memorial - Full Cremated Body Option

Regular price Ush 7,741,000

Unit price per 

 *A $2000 refundable deposit towards the full-cost of $150,000 is required to reserve your place for this memorial service. Upon receipt, you will receive a welcome e-mail from one of our team members who will then schedule a call to walk you through every step of our process.

Leave Earth’s atmosphere on a SpaceX rocket and have your or your loved ones Full Cremated Body orbit the Earth before returning as its own shooting star!

Full Cremated Body Option: $150,000.00

Introducing our Signature Celestial Farewell: The Full Cremated Body Option—an exclusive offering that re-imagines memorial services with a personalized Space Casket adorned with optional inscriptions for you or your beloved departed loved one.

 Personal Touch:

  • Enhance your or your loved one’s tribute with optional inscriptions allowing you to add a personal touch and capture the essence of your loved ones unique journey.

Unforgettable Memorial Experience:

  • Witness the fusion of bespoke design and innovation as your or your loved ones fully cremated body embarks on a captivating journey through space—a truly unforgettable and distinctive memorial experience.


  • This extraordinary option provides an opportunity to celebrate a life lived to its fullest creating a lasting memory that goes beyond the ordinary.

Comprehensive Service:

  • Rest assured, with our service that covers every detail from customizing the Space Casket, to experiencing the awe-inspiring launch, and subsequent orbit and return as a shooting star—a journey that promises to be as exceptional as the life it commemorates.

Personalized Tracking link:

  • Our technology allows you to track the precise location of your or your loved one's remains while they orbit the earth until it is time to reenter the earth's atmosphere as a shooting star.

Beyond Burials - Full Cremated Body - Payload Container 2

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